Making Pads: "All in One" style guide

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Have you every wanted to make a pad, but not sure where to start? Or tried making a pad but it didn't work out?
Whether you've never sewn a pad before, or just want all the information on making pads in once place, then this download is for you!
This guide has:
- Supplies needed
- Choosing your size
- Fabric information
- Core layering
- Complete step by step sewing tutorial with full color pictures
- Links to extra resources
- Extra tips and different methods of pad making
Reviewed and approved by those who have never made a pad and those who have sewn their whole stash!
Also included is one of my own patterns, Bleed Friendly Reusables 8" curved flare pattern for you to print and practice with.
If any updates are released, those who have previously purchased will receive a new copy for free.